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- Central Mining District Gold Silver Ores Colorado EBook
Central Mining District Gold Silver Ores Colorado EBook
Product Description
Central Mining District
A Concise Description of the Mines of this District,
With a Detailed account of each of the More Valuable Properties
by Thomas H. Noland
This a Very Very Rare Publication
Some of the mines covered in this book are:
The Argo Lode
The American Lode
The Buckeye Lode
The Buenos Ayres Lode
The Big Thing (Buck Horn)
The Blue Jay
The Bald Eagle
The Buena Mine
The Baltimore Belle Mine
The Big Blossom Lode
The Ellen Lode
The Brunswick Lode
The Colfax Mines and Mill
The December Mine
The Excelsior Lode
The Evening Star Lode
The Earl Lode
The Governor Group Mines
Great Eastern Lode
The Gold Dirt
The Gladiator Lode
The Grand Central Lode
The Gold Ring Lode
The Grand Union Lode
The Humbolt Lode
The Invincible Mine
Iron Queen Lode
The John Jay Mine
The J. Alden Smith Lode
The Joe Dandy Lode
The Roanoake Lode
The Longfellow Lode
The Monitor Lode
The May Queen Lode
The Merge Lode
The Niagra
Orlando Mine
The Ocean Wave lode
The Poor Man
The Princess Lode
The Pet Mine
The Rambler Lode
The Romance Lode
The Rip Van Dam Lode
The Reliance and Edison
The Song Bird Combination
The S.B Lode
The Standard Lode
The Sydney Lode
The Stanislaus
The Silver Queen
The Ten-Forty Lode
The Twin Blossom Lode
The Volens Lode
The Wealth Group
The Warrior Lode
The Wonder Lode
The Wildcat Lode
The Potosi Lode
The Little Alice Mine
The Fairbanks Group
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