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- Preliminary Report Mining Districts Idaho Gold Silver
Preliminary Report Mining Districts Idaho Gold Silver
Product Description
Rare Publications on Ebook
A Preliminary Report on the Mining Districts of Idaho
Bulletin 166 - Bureau of Mines
143 Pages
Ore treatment problems
Brief historical review of mining in Idaho
Early discoveries of gold
Early political history of Idaho
Discovery of Couer D'Alene region
New activities
Mining districts of Idaho and output
Extent of mineralization
Idaho mine output in 1917
The northern counties
Boundary County
Priest Lake district
Moyie-Yaak district
Bonner County
Lake View district
Blacktail district
Clark Fork district
Hope district
Kootenai County
Benewah County
Shoshone County
Districts in the Coeur D'Alene region
Beaver district
Evolution district
Hunter (Mullan) district
Lelande (Burke) district
Murray (Eagle) district
Pine Creek district
Placer Center (Wallace) district
Summit district
Yreka (Kellogg-Wardner) district
Other districts in Shoshone County
Bald Mountain (Monitor) district
Black Prince (East Coeur D'Alene) district
Shoshone (Coeur D'Alene) district
Slate Creek district
Sliderock Mountain district
St. Joe district
Milling practice in the Coeur D'Alene region
Hand sorting
Coarse crushing
Coarse screening
Treatment of fine material
Fine crushing
Table concentration
Mill products
Bibliography of Shoshone County
Latah, Clearwater, Nez Perce, and Lewis Counties
Latah County
Blackfoot or Gold Hill district
The Hoodoo district
Troy district
Moscow Mountain and Thatuna Hills
Robinson or Mica Mountain district
Ruby Creek district
Clearwater County
Nez Perce and Lewis Counties
Idaho and Valley Counties
Idaho County
Camp Howard district
Cotton Buttes district
Crook's Corral district
Divide Creek district
Dewey (Harpster) district
Dixie district
Elk City district
Florence district
Marshall Lake district
Newsome Creek district
Ore Grande district
Rapid River district
Robbins (Buffalo Hump) district
Salmon River (Simpson) district
Warren district
Valley County
Big Creek district
Profile district
Ramy Ridge district
Thunder Mountain district
Warm Lake district
Yellow Pine district
Deposits at Deadwood River
Bibliography of Idaho and Valley Counties
Adams and Washington Counties
Adams County
Black Lake (Mountain View) district
Seven Devils district
Washington County
Heath district
Hornet Creek (Galena) district
Mineral district
Meadows district
Monroe Creek (Weiser) district
Ada, Boise, Elmore, Gem, and Owyhee Counties
Ada County
Black Hornet district (Shaw's Mountain)
Boise (McIntyre) district
Snake River Placer district
Boise County
Banner district
Centerville district
Elkhorn district
Gambrinus district
Gold Hill, Granite, or Quartsburg district
Grimes Pass district
Highland Valley district
Idaho City district
Moore's Creek and Pioneerville district
Placerville district
Shaw's Mountain district
Twin Springs district
Elmore County
Atlanta (Middle Boise) district
Bear Creek (Rocky Bar) district
Black Warrior district
Dixie district
Glenn Ferry district
Hardscrabble district
Neal district
Pine Grove district
Owyhee County
Carson (War Eagle, Silver City, Florida Mountain) district
De Lamar district
Castle Creek district
Flint district
Mammoth district
South Mountain district
Gem County
Pearl (Willow Creek, Gem, Rock Creek) district
Squaw Creek or Bodie district
Blaine, Butte, Camas, Custer, Lemhi, and Fremont Counties
Blaine County
Antelope district
Elkhorn (Ketchum) district
Galena district
Lava Creek district
Muldoon district
Rosetta district
Sawtooth district
Vienna district
Warm Springs district
Wood River (Hailey) district
Butte County
Dome district
Camas County
Camas district
Little Smoky district
Skeleton Creek district
Soldier district
Custer County
Alder Creek (Mackay) district
Bay Horse district
East Fork district
Hamilton or Clyde district
Loon Creek district
Yankee Fork district
Copper Basin district
Boulder district
Sheep Mountain district
Seafoam and Greyhound districts
Description of samples
Lemhi County
Blackbird district
Blue Wing district
Carmen Creek district
Eldorado district
Eureka district
Gibbonsville district
Gravel Range district
Indian Creek district
Junction district
Kirtley Creek district
Mackinaw district
McDevitt district
Mineral Hill district
Nicholia district
Parker Mountain district
Pratt Creek district
Spring Mountain district
Texas district
Yellow Jacket district
Fremont County
Skull Canyon district
Buck Creek district
The southeastern counties
Bannock County
Fort Hall district
Soda Springs district
Bear Lake County
Bear Lake district
Bonneville County
Mount Pisgah (Caribou Mountain) district
Cassia County
Stokes (Cannon Creek) district
Black Pine district
Other districts
Madison County
Canyon Creek district
Teton County
Preliminary report on the Horseshoe District of the Teton coal basin, Southeastern Idaho
Geological age
Coal beds
Coal bed at Horseshoe mine
Coal bed at Bell Gulch drift
Brown Bear bed
Boise bed
Quality of coal
Analyses of coals
Horseshoe district, Teton coal basin, Southeastern Idaho
Bell Gulch bed
Brown Bear bed
Boise bed
Method of working
Longwall system
Pillar-and-chutes or pillar-and-breasts
Freight rates
- Publications on coal and metal mining
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