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Mining Books

The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California


The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California

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Product Description

The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California




J.D Whitney



This book is the most comprehensive publication ever written on the Ancient Tertiary Gold Channels of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. It was published originally in 1880 on the gold fields of California by J.D. Whitney, renowned Harvard professor and chief of the California Geological Survey.  Now over 140 years old this publication covers the Ancient River Channels that were full of gold and later uplifted by the Sierra Nevada Mountains.   The Channels, many exposed, while others are under lava caps are still producing gold today. Nuggets a large as 8lbs has been found in recent years.  Over 640 pages tell the story, the geology, provide maps with locations of the channels and infer where others may be found. Existing mines at the time are discussed and much more. From Mariposa to Plumas this book provides information that any Gold-Seeker will want to read to be successful in the hunt for these old channels. Back in print by Sylvanite Publishing. $99.95 Hardcover

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